Since March 2018, AirBnB hosts in Bordeaux (the second most popular AirBnB destination in France) have been required to send their details to the city hall and register with the authorities. Sadly, only 10% of AirBnB hosts have done this so far, leaving 90% of all AirBnB hosts unregistered and in violation of the law.
Among the 90% of un-registered hosts are a large number of commercial AirBnB hosts, people who use AirBnB to convert long term housing into illegal hotels.
Fortunately, using various data monitoring technology, private organizations are able to identify and report illegal operators, as the AirBnB Observatory, run by the Bourdeux city councillor Matthieu Rouveyre. With luck the city authorities will now be able to pursue these commercial AirBnB hosts. If only AirBnB was so supportive.
See the full story on 20 Minutes (Link )