Three Armed Men Rob Tourist Staying at Inwood Apartment


Three men busted into an Inwood apartment and robbed one of the renters at gunpoint, police said Monday.

They pushed their way into the apartment, on Academy Street near Seaman Avenue, after one of the other tenants went to check on loud noises outside the front door.

The bandits forced their way into a 25-year-old’s bedroom just before 4 a.m. Sunday, leveled a silver revolver at her, then led her to a bathroom and locked her in, police and sources said.

The victim, who was visiting New York from Massachusetts, was robbed of her IDs, credit cards and a Coach wallet, cops said.

There were no injuries.

Police said the apartment was rented on Airbnb, but a company spokesperson said it was booked through a different website.

Written by Daniel Cassady for