Home Country and city reports Paris Val-de-Marne: Airbnb Rental Turns to Rape and Sequestration

Val-de-Marne: Airbnb Rental Turns to Rape and Sequestration


They will “never rent” their apartment on Airbnb after the ultra-violent and very sordid home-jacking of which their tenants were the victims. A news worthy of a film of gangsters without faith nor law. “It all started with a simple reunion with three friends in Saint-Maurice,” says the only boy who participated in the evening. Then we heard knocking on the door, a girlfriend made the mistake of opening, believing to receive the visit of an acquaintance … “

Rue Marthe Chenal, 3 am, in the night from Sunday to Monday. In the space of a second, the evening turns to drama: the occupants, initially abused, find themselves quickly shackled and stripped. One of the young women is raped. “Thieves were four, were between 18 and 23 years old,” says the 21-year-old. Three are hooded. Two are armed and gloved. One of them, without bothering to hide, points his handgun. “They jumped on me and then hit my head,” he says. I found myself gagged and tied up with big black tape. One of them said to me: If you move, you’re cooked. I obeyed. “

Razor blade on the face

The Series B scenario continues. “They started a vacuum cleaner so the neighbors could not hear anything. Each of us was in a different room. The raid can begin. It will last “between 35 and 45 minutes”. Young women, aged 17, 21 and 23, are also gagged and sequestered. All their belongings are spent there: handbags, papers, bank cards, car keys, cash money. Even the television is stolen. According to the same victim, the attackers, “at first very nervous,” calmed down. According to the victims, they seemed to be looking for a particular man, absent from the evening.

This failure will mark the beginning of a descent into hell. One of the young women is raped before being martyred, according to a police source. His executioner puts a razor blade on his face, causing him mild dermabrasion, and finally cut his hair with scissors, before ending his dark spot with a razor. Always more sordid, the latter films his mischief, according to the fashion of “Happy slapping”, a practice of filming with his mobile phone a scene of violence suffered by a person.

“An aggression linked to a love story that went wrong”

The thugs finally run away. Freed from his shackles, the abused young man asks for help from a passerby to call the police. Arrived at the scene, the officials will quickly place him in custody, suspecting him at first “to be a pimp,” he said Monday night. An accusation he firmly denied before being released. Auditioned, he assures that he was simply “in the wrong place, at the wrong time,” thinking instead that “the aggression would be linked to a love story that went terribly wrong. “

Pending the results of the investigation conducted by the judicial police of Val-de-Marne, in the floors of the building, none of the neighbors interviewed had heard anything.

The owners of the rented apartment, still haggard and “shocked by the presence of the security forces for most of the day,” do not know anything about the tragedy that occurred several hours earlier between their doorstep. the walls of their property. In front of the door of their apartment: garbage bags filled with rubbish and empty bottles. The last remnants of this evening in hell.

“We were deeply shocked to hear this incident and immediately made every effort to identify the victims and support them,” Airbnb said Wednesday. The safety of our community is our priority. We stand at the disposal of the police to support their work. “

Written by Maxime François for www.leparisien.fr.