Home Editorial I Rented Out My Apartment On Airbnb And It Was Completely Trashed...

I Rented Out My Apartment On Airbnb And It Was Completely Trashed By Montreal Tourists


The past week, while I was out of province for a few days, I figured an easy and simple way to make some extra money would be to list my apartment on Airbnb. Not to brag, but I have a pretty nice place. Lots of sunshine, huge windows, a small outdoor patio. I was sure it would be a pretty great catch in terms of Airbnb rentals.

As predicted, someone had requested to book my apartmentalmost immediately. In sheer excitement and delight that this would be my first time hosting an Airbnb, I accepted (you’ll soon realize why this was my biggest mistake).

My apartment was booked for five guests. All guys, all from the States, and all pretty young. Immediate red flags you say? I was told by these kids that they would be respectful of the house rules and only wanted to explore the Quebec culture Montreal has to offer. I figured why not!? My apartment is the perfect fit. So I accepted.

The few days following the guests arrival to my apartment were… interesting. I was basically on the phone with these guys every day. They didn’t know Quebec laws, despite my inclusion of the street parking rules in my listing they still parked illegally and recieved numerous tickets – contacting me every time it occured. And when I was one the phone with one of the guest’s all I could hear was incredibly loud music in the background and shouting.

I should mention, I put in place a “no party rule” at my apartment. It’s my full-time home, so the last thing I need is anyone throwing a crazy party in it.

Fast-forward to the day I arrive back in Montreal. The guests were a bit late checking out, but I didn’t think much of it. They were probably just busy tidying up or packing.

Immediately walking up the steps to my door I notice receipts as well as actual food everywhere, and this is before I’ve even stepped inside. A bit concerned now I open my door and as soon as I see my apartment I realize a disaster has occured.

My home has been completely trashed.

I quickly grab a garbage bag and start picking up crushed beer cans off the floor. There’s bags of garbage everywhere, and all of the towels I laid out nicely for my guests have been thrown all over the apartment. At this point I’ve already found dirty men’s underwear in my washing machine, at least 40 cans of unopened beer in my fridge (not complaining too much with this point), actual urine all over my bathroom and a pair of men’s Yeezy’s – one shoe being lodged behind my TV and the other placed in my freezer.

The worst of it all was these guys literally tried to unmount my TV from the wall, causing a large patch of drywall to completely rip off. To add, my floors are massively scratched by who-knows-what. I will probably be making a trip to a hardware store soon.

Needless to say, I feel pretty defeated. I guess I should of considered Quebec, and specifically Montreal, is the ultimate hotspot for American teenagers to go drinking and partying due to the legal drinking age only being 18. That’s probably the only Quebec “culture” these guys were interested in.

Although this has not completely deterred me from ever hosting on Airbnb again, I will definitely be steering clear of large groups of American teenage boys from now on.

Be careful who you invite into your home, Montreal!